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Zeitenwende in Vienna? What to expect from the Austrian national elections

Tirsdag d. 24. september 2024 kl. 10:00 til 10:45 - Online

In 2020, many commentators regarded the new Austrian government as a political testing ground.


Meloni vs. Le Pen: What Does the Future Hold for the European Right Wing? (webinar)

Mandag d. 9. september 2024 kl. 16:00 til 17:00 - Online

The recent French parliamentary election boosted the right-wing party National Rally, which secured every third vote in the second round.


Macron’s gamble: The French Parliamentary Elections and the consequences for Europe

Fredag d. 28. juni 2024 kl. 09:30 til 10:15 - Online

Think Tank EUROPA has invited Professor Anand Menon, Director of the UK in a Changing Europe (UKICE), to join us for a webinar to discuss the UK general election and the future of the EU-UK relationship.


UK general election: a new beginning?

Onsdag d. 26. juni 2024 kl. 14:00 til 14:45 - Online

On Thursday the 4th of July, the UK goes to the polls in a general election that could see the Labour Party return to power after 14 years in opposition. .


Shared Seas, Shared Security -  Danish-Swedish Defence Cooperation

Mandag d. 10. juni 2024 kl. 14:00 til 15:00 - Fællessalen

Krigen i Ukraine kaster fortsat lange skygger over Europas sikkerhed. Det samme gælder konflikten i Mellemøsten, spændingerne i forholdet mellem Kina og Taiwan samt det forestående præsidentvalg i USA.


Europas digitale drømme

Fredag d. 24. maj 2024 kl. 08:30 til 09:30 - Netcompany

Kom til morgendebat om EU’s digitale dagsorden – med tech-ambassadør Anne Marie Engtoft Meldgaard, direktør André Rogaczewski, professor Rebecca Adler-Nissen og digitaliseringspolitisk chef Andreas Holbak Espersen, modereret af Lykke Friis.


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