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Shared Seas, Shared Security -  Danish-Swedish Defence Cooperation

Dato og tid

Mandag d. 10. juni 2024 kl. 14:00 til 15:00


Søndag d. 9. juni 2024 kl. 12:00


Fællessalen, Christiansborg, 1240 København K Fællessalen
1240 København K

Shared Seas, Shared Security -  Danish-Swedish Defence Cooperation

Debatarrangement med den danske og svenske forsvarsminister

The war in Ukraine continues to cast long shadows over Europe's security landscape. The same holds true for the conflict in the Middle East, tensions between China and Taiwan, and the upcoming presidential election in the USA. These events—and the structural developmental trends underlying them—necessitate a fundamentally different approach to defense and security cooperation. This is evidenced by Denmark’s commitment to the EU's defense dimension and Sweden’s membership in NATO.

At the beginning of May, the Swedish and Danish defense ministers signed a declaration of intent to enhance cooperation between the two countries in several areas, such as the Øresund, the Baltic Sea, and the war in Ukraine.

But what will this new declaration of intent mean in practice? What should be the role distribution between NATO, the EU, NORDEFCO, and the new bilateral cooperation agreement? And what will Denmark’s commitment to the EU’s defense dimension and Sweden’s NATO membership mean for Swedish-Danish collaboration in the security and defense policy arena?

You can learn more about this when the Swedish and Danish defense ministers meet for a debate on Monday, June 10, 2024, at Christiansborg.

Moderator:            Lykke Friis, director of Think Europa
Kl. 14                    Introduction: Jens Ringsmose, Rector of the University of Southern Denmark
Kl. 14.10              Pål Jonson, Minister for Defence, Sweden 
Kl. 14.20              Troels Lund Poulsen, Minister for Defence, Denmark 
Kl. 14.30              Moderated debate w/ Q&A

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Tænketanken EUROPA
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Tænketanken EUROPA
Tlf: +45 33130730